Apocalyptic Transformation: Apocalypse and the Postmodern Imagination
Lexington Books (2008)
"Breaking the Rules: An Interview with Anne Rice"
Glimmer Train (Spring 1993)
"The Pen is Mightier than the Machete: An Interview with Niyi Osundare"
Writer's Digest (Apr. 1995)
“Winter with the Whales”
Ladies’ Home Journal (Dec. 1996)
Academic Publications
“Calling the Other Side: Problematic Families in the Films of M. Night Shyamalan” in Spoiler Warnings: Critical Approaches to the Films of M. Night Shyamalan. Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, Ed.
Palgrave Macmillan (2010)
“The Narrative Intersection of Image and Text: Teaching Panel Frames in Comics”
in Teaching the Graphic Novel. Stephen E. Tabachnick, Ed.
Modern Language Association (2008)
Little Black Book of Books: A Century of the Greatest Books, Writers, Characters, Passages, and Events That Rocked the Literary World. (Contributor) Lucy Daniels, Ed.
Octopus Publishing Group (2007)
“Somalis Don’t Climb Mountains: The Commercialization of Mount Everest.”
Journal of Popular Culture 40.1 (2007)
“‘What’s that you smell of?’ Twenty Years of Watchmen Nostalgia.”
Foundation 98 (2006)
“Lenny Bruce and His Nuclear Shadow Marvin Lundy: Don DeLillo’s Apocalyptists Extraordinaire.”
Journal of American Studies 40.1 (April 2006)
“The New American Jeremiad: The Writer as Apocalyptist.”
U.S. Studies Online 4 (Autumn 2003)
“The American West through an Apocalyptic Lens: Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian.” U.S. Studies Online 3 (Spring 2003)